Aubrey Organics
Nachtkerzenöl Beruhigende Hand-
Category:Body Cream/Oil
This light, creamy hand and body lotion nourishes your skin soft and supple. The lotion is the ideal moisturizer even for dry skin. Already when applied, the cream with soothing, hydrating evening primrose oil (from organically controlled cultivation) cares for brittle, flaky and stressed skin as soft as velvet. Evening primrose oil is particularly rich in the valuable skin nutrient gamma-linolenic acid. Avocado oil (from organically controlled cultivation), St. John's wort and other..
This cosmetic product of Aubrey Organics was analyzed on 2013-01-29 by member mormel.
- Kokosfettsäuren
- Palmkern-Fettalkohol
- Aloe Vera
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Weizenkeimöl
- Nachtkerzenöl
- Provitamin B 5
- Avocadoöl
- Johanniskrautöl
- Calendulaöl
- Auszüge Aus Arnika Und Sonnenhut
- Mandelöl
- Lavendelöl
- Parfum
- Linalool
- Capaibaöl