Tritium Vulgare Germ Oil
INCI name
- Tritium Vulgare Germ Oil,
Alternative names
- Tritium Vulgare Seed Extract,
- Tritium Vulgare Germ Extract,
- herbal,
- Triticum vulgare Germ Oil is the oil obtained from the expression or extraction of the wheat germ, Triticum vulgare, Poaceae. It consists mainly of glycerides of the fatty acids,
INCI function
- emollient,
- skin caring,
Substance category
No information available
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- 68917-73-7 / 84012-44-2,
- 281-689-7,
Studies, literature and statements
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Product examples
This list includes 6 random products that contain Tritium Vulgare Germ Oil.
- Dr Wolff / Linola Dusch Und Wasch
- Bepanthol Gesicht Feuchtigkeitscreme; 2014
- Linola Forte Shampoo, 09/2015
- Aslan Ana Aslan Phyto-Bad Sensitiv
- L’Occitane En Provence Creme Utra Riche Visage Au Beurre De Karitè, 05/2016
- Lavera Naturkosmetik Sensitiv Shampoo, 2016