INCI name
Alternative names
- Cellulose,
- cellulosum,
- E 460,
- Zellstoff,
- Zellulose,
- Zellwolle,
- Mikrokristalline Cellulose,
- vegetable,
- Cellulose,
INCI function
- Absorbent,
- tarnishing,
- Bulking,
- viscosity regulating,
Substance category
No information available
Please log in to find out how this ingredient is characterized and may affect your health.
- 9004-34-6,
- 232-674-9,
Studies, literature and statements
Please log in to read excerpts from scientific literature and experts statements about Cellulose.
Product examples
This list includes 10 random products that contain Cellulose.
- Lavera Handcreme Bio-Orange&Bio-Sanddorn
- Alterra Handcreme Granatapfel & Aloe Vera
- Mary Kay Cosmetics Timewise® 3-In-1 Cleanser To Oily Skin
- Janssen Cosmetics Bb Cream
- Lavera Neutral Pflegemaske Intensiv
- Charlotte Meentzen Antifalten Augenpads
- Alterra Deo-Balsam Bio-Zitronenmelisse & Bio-Salbei
- La Mer Max Huber The Refining Facial
- Madara Sos Hydration - Sos Hydra Repair Serum [Gewinner Des Annabelle Prix De Beauté 2017] - Feuchtigkeitsgehalt Serum
- Lariderm Pure Fluid Dms Light